The Ioke object hierarchy

When designing the core Ioke libraries, I’ve tried to factor things out into different places, as much as possible. This have given rise to a pretty complicated object hierarchy, so I thought I’d describe it a bit closer here. This should make it a bit easier to understand how lookup of methods work, and where you should add functionality for the right effect. In this blog post I will go through most of the kinds in Ioke, notice how they fit together and also what kind of methods they contain.

OK, so let us start at the top. Even here we run into a small problem, of course – since Ioke is not single inheritance. One object can mimic more than one object, or none. There is no absolute requirement that everything is part of the same inheritance chain. We will get back to this in a while, but at first we can ignore that, and imagine that the hierarchy is simple.

At the top of the Ioke hierarchy is the object called Base. This object has no mimics, and contains only the most essential methods. These are methods that allow the introspection and modification of cells, such as “cell”, “cell=”, “cell?”, “cellNames”, “cells” and so on. It also includes “documentation” and “documentation=”. It includes the assignment method “=”. And finally it contains “mimic” that allow you to create new instances. This method is basically the only way of allocating new objects in Ioke, which means it is pretty important. If you need the functionality but without mimicking Base, you can either copy the method itself, or mimic BaseBehavior (we’ll get back to this in a minute.)

OK, so Base is the absolute base of everything in Ioke. But Base is not the equivalent of the Object found in most other languages – in most cases you won’t get the expected behavior if you mimic directly from Base. The object that is supposed to be used as the origin of new objects is called Origin. But before we go there, we need to talk about Ground.

Ioke actually overloads the term ground to mean two slightly different things. First, there is an object called Ground, and secondly, the ground of an evaluation is basically the default context. The default ground at the top level is the object Ground. Now, Origin mimics Ground. This means that if you add something to the top level, that will be in the inheritance chain of all objects. This is the closest you will get to a global scope in Ioke.

The Ground object mimics different things depending on which implementation you are running. If you’re on ikj, Ground will mimic both IokeGround and JavaGround, where JavaGround is the object where all Java integration machinery resides. On ikc, Ground currently only mimics IokeGround, but I expect to add CLRGround sooner or later. IokeGround is the place where all so called global names in the system is defined. This is where you find the cells for “Text”, “Symbol”, “Number”, “Range” and also “false”, “true” and “nil”. Yes, that is right, these names are not constants – they are just cells on IokeGround.

IokeGround mimics Base – so that is where the connection to the base of the hierarchy actually is made. But IokeGround also mimics and object called DefaultBehavior. As the name implies, this is where most of the Ioke behavior resides. DefaultBehavior in itself is basically a mixin, only providing these methods. You should not mimic DefaultBehavior in itself, if possible.

(Incidentally, that is the difference between an object that is supposed to be a mixin, and a regular object. In Ioke there is no real difference at the structure level – it is only about intent.)

DefaultBehavior doesn’t contain many methods in itself, but instead mixes in several more focused objects, such as “DefaultBehavior Aspects”, “DefaultBehavior Assignment”, “DefaultBehavior Boolean”, “DefaultBehavior Case”, “DefaultBehavior Conditions”, “DefaultBehavior Definitions”, “DefaultBehavior FlowControl”, “DefaultBehavior Internal”, “DefaultBehavior Literals” and “DefaultBehavior Reflection”.

If you want to make the intent of a mixin very clear, you mimic the Mixins object. This object include the bare necessary things to add new cells and introspect on them. “Mixins Comparing” and “Mixins Enumerable” are two examples of such mixins.

And that is basically the full story. Any other object you will find in the system is almost certainly derived from Origin, and the hierarchy under Origin is pretty shallow and flat, at least for now. I’ve considered making the intent of different collections a bit more specific, in the manner of Smalltalk – but this hasn’t happened yet.

One Comment, Comment or Ping

  1. What do you mean collections a bit more specific like Smalltalk? Some of the collection stuff in Smalltalk is to rigid, due to the single inheritance constraint. Have you looked at the refactoring of the Smalltalk class hierarchy with traits? (PDF)

    May 15th, 2009

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