The Ioke philosophy

I have in various circumstances used a list of statements, a kind of Ioke manifesto, that tries to give the spirit of what kind of guidelines I use when designing Ioke. Some of them are very serious, and some … well, more in jest. I thought I’d expand on them a bit there. In the tradition of these kind of manifestos, Ioke values the thing on the right, but values the thing on the left much more.

Oh, and remember that these ideas… They are really my ideas and thoughts and values. Nothing else. It is not in any way objective. So please don’t take offense, get riled up or start any holy wars.

Expressiveness over performance

This is really the full manifesto of Ioke, if you ever had to choose just one. In any situation where I have to choose between expressiveness or performance, expressiveness is always the answer. The side effect is of course that Ioke is not a fast language at all. But I believe it is one of the most expressive you can find – at least if you measure expressiveness the way I do.

Abstraction over low level interfaces

A special case of expressiveness is abstraction. When I get drunk and rant about programming languages (something that happens all too often) one of the words I use all the time is “abstraction”. As it turns out, being able to abstract things – no matter what they are – is one of the most important things in a programming language – for me. The ability to abstract objects and classes of objects is one of those. The ability to abstract functionality is another. The ability to abstract structure is a third. The ability to abstract syntax is a fourth. The ability to abstract programming substrate is another. The ability to abstract paradigm is another. And so on. Abstraction is really the possibility of making completely different things work together. It is also the possibility of making things communicate, no matter what they are. If you can abstract on any dimension, this means that you can make your code communicate to any stakeholder. And that is important.

In fact, it is important enough that I’m considering adding another point, such as “Communication over implementation”. Should I?

Higher order functionality over explicitness

The higher you get on the order of things, the more declarative you can be. And the more declarative you can be, the easier it is to communicate intent. The disadvantage is of course that it is hard to judge the implementation behavior of something if you only communicate the intent of code – but I find that argument is false. If the intent is correctly specified, it should be possible to actually have the correct implementation behavior, no matter what.

First class over implicit functionality

My ThoughtWorks colleague Bradford Cross talks about First class oriented programming, and has written many blog entries where this shines through. I totally agree with him. The more things you can make first class in your language, the better. Because those things that aren’t… Well, they will be the conceptual walls of your language. That’s really all there is to it. So making as many things as possible first class will actually expand the borders of your nation. Ehm. Language, that is.

“Right is better” over “Worse is better”

OK, this I couldn’t avoid doing. I like Gabriel’s essay. I just thing that the concept is abhorrent. I guess I’m of the mindset that can’t accept that bad things can thrive. I mean, from a logical standpoint I understand how it works. I just don’t want to be part of it. But from another level, actually releasing something half finished plays into Worse is better. So I’m not sure about this one. I just feel that the right solution is really better than the quick and dirty one.

Language oriented programming over APIs

What does Language Oriented Programming really mean? I’m not sure I can give you a canonical definition, but in my mind it goes back to the tradition of “little languages” in Lisp – which means you mold your environment into the perfect environment for solving your problem. And then you solve your problem in that environment.

I also believe that polyglot programming and external DSLs are an important piece of this puzzle. So all in all, the features in Ioke that enable LOP is the ease of creating internal and external DSLs, and the interoperability of both the JVM and the CLR. These things together make it easier to solve problems in a language oriented fashion.

“Code as data” over “Data as code”

The more I think about this one, the less sense it makes. What I wanted to express was the point of view that data and code aren’t really two different things, and that Ioke should treat them more or less the same – much like the Lisp tradition of symbolic expressions. In Ioke this is realized by having the AST being first class and core to the execution of any code. This AST can be modified in any way, created from scratch and so on, meaning that code and data get blurred together. There is also another discussion under the covers here, dealing with smart and dumb data. What is “code as data”? Does it deal with smart or dumb data? I don’t know.

Homoiconicity over syntax

Ioke plays a lot of cards surrounding homoiconicity – meaning that the structures used to represent code are the same as what you use to code. This allow easy access to lazy evaluation and syntactic macros, and is thus extremely powerful. This is one of the core parts of the expressiveness of Ioke, and it is more important than useful syntax. Which means that when the balance of syntax vs homoiconicity gets skewed, it will be syntax that pays the price.

Syntax over explicit APIs

But if you have actually looked at Ioke, you know that Ioke likes syntax. It doesn’t like it as much as Ruby or Perl, but it likes it much more than Dylan or Lisp. But in the same way Dylan works, Ioke syntax is generally canonical and maps very cleanly down to the message sending paradigm. This makes the AST clean and regular, without having to care about different syntax elements. Take assignment. Doing something like “foo = 42” will end up with the AST “=(foo, internal:createNumber(42))”. Here, “=” is clearly defined as just a simple message send, just as anything else. And in the same manner, the creation of a literal (the number 42) is also represented as a message send. The AST in Ioke is very regular and simple. It has exactly one node type – the message.

So saying syntax over explicit APIs means that the Ioke way of creating a new list is to use the [] method, not the list method. Because it reads better. I find that judicious syntax make the intent of my code better. The right amount of syntax makes my code more readable, not less. This can be abused, but frankly – I am not in the business of stopping people from doing stupid things. The good thing about doing stupid things is that it tends to remove the person doing it from being productive, sooner or later. It is a self balancing equation.

7 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. I totally agree that “Communication over implementation” should be one of these philosophical statements. Perhaps it should replace “Code as Data over Data as Code”, which sounds nice but (for me) only serves to back up the importance of homoiconicity and a first class AST.

    May 11th, 2009

  2. Guoliang Cao

    Dynamic typing over static typing?

    May 11th, 2009

  3. What does Communication over Implementation mean? I’m not understanding how these are opposites, or if not true opposites, how they stand opposed to each other.

    Abstraction over low level interfaces makes sense, once I read your explanation, but on the face of it, I don’t understand how communication over implementation makes sense. I don’t see communication as somehow more important than implementation, or how one might be neglected over the other. For me, both are equally important.

    What am I missing here that makes you, Ola, feel this is important enough it should perhaps be elevated to its own point?

    May 12th, 2009

  4. Really like your thinking. I just can’t wrap my head around one thing though. If 42 expands to “createNumber(42)”, isn’t that a cyclic definition? Or do literals have a different meaning in AST expressions (and if so, how is that homoiconic)?

    May 16th, 2009

  5. Simon:

    I will expand on that in another blog post, but the short answer is that the internal:createNumber message has an argument that is the literal Java string “42”, and creates the Ioke number from that information. So no, it is not circular and it is still homoiconic too.

    May 18th, 2009

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