Videos from the Chicago ACM Ioke talk

This Wednesday I gave a talk about Ioke at the Chicago ACM. This was actually great fun and I’m fairly happy with the presentation. This is without doubt the best quality Ioke presentation available so far.

You can see it here:

And here:

Google I/O

Currently sitting in a session on day two of the Google I/O conference. The morning opened up with the keynote and announcement of Google Wave, which is something that seems very cool and has a lot of potential. Very cool start of the day.

After that I watched Ben and Dion talk about Bespin. I hadn’t seen Bespin before – it was definitely interesting, although I will be hard pressed to give up Emacs any day soon.

During lunch I came up with a fun idea, but it required something extra. I talked to Jon Tirsen, a Swedish friend from his ThoughtWorks days, who is on the Google Wave team – and he managed to get me an early access account for Google Wave. So I spent the next few hours hacking – and was able to unveil an Ioke Wave Robot during my talk. It is basically only a hello world thing, but it is almost certainly the first third-party Google Wave code… You can find it at It is deployed as so when you have your Wave account you can add it to any waves. Very cool. I do believe there is a real potential for scripting languages to handle these tasks. Since most of it is about gluing services together, dynamic languages should be perfectly suited for it.

Finally I did my talk about JRuby and Ioke – that went quite well too. The video should be up on Google sooner or later.

And that was basically my Google I/O experience. Very nice conference and lots of interesting people.

Communication over Implementation

Last week I wrote a post about some of the statements that percolate in my mind when designing Ioke. What I didn’t mention was that these ideas are things I use to judge other programming languages too. I would say that this philosophy pretty much captures my views on programming languages. (The post in question is here: The Ioke Philosophy). So, this post is of course not complete, and I don’t think I would ever be able to write something that is totally complete.

One of the things missing – and I did allude to it in the post – was a statement that has grown on me a bit. I did a presentation about Ioke last week, and at that point I decided I needed to talk about this some more. The statement in question is what I call Communication over Implementation. This turns out to be pretty important for programming languages in general, at least in my experience.

One of the things I’m fond of saying when talking about programming languages, is that programming languages – just like natural languages – are about communication. And we don’t necessarily always think clearly about who we are communicating with. The immediate and intuitive reaction to programming languages is that they are supposed to communicate with the compiler/interpreter/cpu. That is of course true, but it is also incidental in many cases. There are many ways in which you can communicate with the machine to get it to achieve something. So the question becomes what other parties should you consider when communicating.

The next most obvious party would be yourself. If you ever need to read your code, you need to write code in such a way that you can read it later on. This constrains the way you write code quite severely. There are reasons we don’t write much code in assembly language or JVM bytecodes anymore. Yes, at some level these descriptions are extremely nice communication towards the executing machine, but they are so bad at communicating with human stakeholders that the balance generally ends up in favor of more readable languages.

When communicating with human stakeholders the thing I focus most on is intent. If your code/text communicates the intent of what you are trying to do in a good way, this makes it easier to read. There are many movements that focus on how to do this well, where domain domain design and clean code are the two that immediately comes to mind for me.

So coming back to the title. For me, implementation is a special sort of communication – that kind of communication that is supposed to be functional and describe what should actually be done in deterministic instructions to a machine. As long as this communication is functional enough – meaning that the machine does more or less the right thing – there is much leeway in how the code can be written to make other kinds of communication easier. And that is the core of this argument. A language should make it easy to communicate with other stakeholders than the machine, since those other forms of communication with code is actually much more important than only the implementation pieces. Yes, if the implementation works your program might run for a while – but if no one can read the code it can’t be maintained, it can’t be understood except in a black box way, and the utility of the system will be limited.

Go the other way. If you have a program that communicates badly with the machine (but still well enough according to the above definition), but it is written in a clearly communicating way, this means that it is easier to grow the system, it is easier to fix it or implement it more correctly. It can also easier be replaced since the program communicates what it is doing.

There are exceptions to this principle. But we seem to to favor languages that are focused on implementation and only incidentally on communication. This is the wrong choice and it need to be fixed. Communication is at the core of programming, and should also be the focus of it.

The Ioke philosophy

I have in various circumstances used a list of statements, a kind of Ioke manifesto, that tries to give the spirit of what kind of guidelines I use when designing Ioke. Some of them are very serious, and some … well, more in jest. I thought I’d expand on them a bit there. In the tradition of these kind of manifestos, Ioke values the thing on the right, but values the thing on the left much more.

Oh, and remember that these ideas… They are really my ideas and thoughts and values. Nothing else. It is not in any way objective. So please don’t take offense, get riled up or start any holy wars.

Expressiveness over performance

This is really the full manifesto of Ioke, if you ever had to choose just one. In any situation where I have to choose between expressiveness or performance, expressiveness is always the answer. The side effect is of course that Ioke is not a fast language at all. But I believe it is one of the most expressive you can find – at least if you measure expressiveness the way I do.

Abstraction over low level interfaces

A special case of expressiveness is abstraction. When I get drunk and rant about programming languages (something that happens all too often) one of the words I use all the time is “abstraction”. As it turns out, being able to abstract things – no matter what they are – is one of the most important things in a programming language – for me. The ability to abstract objects and classes of objects is one of those. The ability to abstract functionality is another. The ability to abstract structure is a third. The ability to abstract syntax is a fourth. The ability to abstract programming substrate is another. The ability to abstract paradigm is another. And so on. Abstraction is really the possibility of making completely different things work together. It is also the possibility of making things communicate, no matter what they are. If you can abstract on any dimension, this means that you can make your code communicate to any stakeholder. And that is important.

In fact, it is important enough that I’m considering adding another point, such as “Communication over implementation”. Should I?

Higher order functionality over explicitness

The higher you get on the order of things, the more declarative you can be. And the more declarative you can be, the easier it is to communicate intent. The disadvantage is of course that it is hard to judge the implementation behavior of something if you only communicate the intent of code – but I find that argument is false. If the intent is correctly specified, it should be possible to actually have the correct implementation behavior, no matter what.

First class over implicit functionality

My ThoughtWorks colleague Bradford Cross talks about First class oriented programming, and has written many blog entries where this shines through. I totally agree with him. The more things you can make first class in your language, the better. Because those things that aren’t… Well, they will be the conceptual walls of your language. That’s really all there is to it. So making as many things as possible first class will actually expand the borders of your nation. Ehm. Language, that is.

“Right is better” over “Worse is better”

OK, this I couldn’t avoid doing. I like Gabriel’s essay. I just thing that the concept is abhorrent. I guess I’m of the mindset that can’t accept that bad things can thrive. I mean, from a logical standpoint I understand how it works. I just don’t want to be part of it. But from another level, actually releasing something half finished plays into Worse is better. So I’m not sure about this one. I just feel that the right solution is really better than the quick and dirty one.

Language oriented programming over APIs

What does Language Oriented Programming really mean? I’m not sure I can give you a canonical definition, but in my mind it goes back to the tradition of “little languages” in Lisp – which means you mold your environment into the perfect environment for solving your problem. And then you solve your problem in that environment.

I also believe that polyglot programming and external DSLs are an important piece of this puzzle. So all in all, the features in Ioke that enable LOP is the ease of creating internal and external DSLs, and the interoperability of both the JVM and the CLR. These things together make it easier to solve problems in a language oriented fashion.

“Code as data” over “Data as code”

The more I think about this one, the less sense it makes. What I wanted to express was the point of view that data and code aren’t really two different things, and that Ioke should treat them more or less the same – much like the Lisp tradition of symbolic expressions. In Ioke this is realized by having the AST being first class and core to the execution of any code. This AST can be modified in any way, created from scratch and so on, meaning that code and data get blurred together. There is also another discussion under the covers here, dealing with smart and dumb data. What is “code as data”? Does it deal with smart or dumb data? I don’t know.

Homoiconicity over syntax

Ioke plays a lot of cards surrounding homoiconicity – meaning that the structures used to represent code are the same as what you use to code. This allow easy access to lazy evaluation and syntactic macros, and is thus extremely powerful. This is one of the core parts of the expressiveness of Ioke, and it is more important than useful syntax. Which means that when the balance of syntax vs homoiconicity gets skewed, it will be syntax that pays the price.

Syntax over explicit APIs

But if you have actually looked at Ioke, you know that Ioke likes syntax. It doesn’t like it as much as Ruby or Perl, but it likes it much more than Dylan or Lisp. But in the same way Dylan works, Ioke syntax is generally canonical and maps very cleanly down to the message sending paradigm. This makes the AST clean and regular, without having to care about different syntax elements. Take assignment. Doing something like “foo = 42” will end up with the AST “=(foo, internal:createNumber(42))”. Here, “=” is clearly defined as just a simple message send, just as anything else. And in the same manner, the creation of a literal (the number 42) is also represented as a message send. The AST in Ioke is very regular and simple. It has exactly one node type – the message.

So saying syntax over explicit APIs means that the Ioke way of creating a new list is to use the [] method, not the list method. Because it reads better. I find that judicious syntax make the intent of my code better. The right amount of syntax makes my code more readable, not less. This can be abused, but frankly – I am not in the business of stopping people from doing stupid things. The good thing about doing stupid things is that it tends to remove the person doing it from being productive, sooner or later. It is a self balancing equation.

The Ioke object hierarchy

When designing the core Ioke libraries, I’ve tried to factor things out into different places, as much as possible. This have given rise to a pretty complicated object hierarchy, so I thought I’d describe it a bit closer here. This should make it a bit easier to understand how lookup of methods work, and where you should add functionality for the right effect. In this blog post I will go through most of the kinds in Ioke, notice how they fit together and also what kind of methods they contain.

OK, so let us start at the top. Even here we run into a small problem, of course – since Ioke is not single inheritance. One object can mimic more than one object, or none. There is no absolute requirement that everything is part of the same inheritance chain. We will get back to this in a while, but at first we can ignore that, and imagine that the hierarchy is simple.

At the top of the Ioke hierarchy is the object called Base. This object has no mimics, and contains only the most essential methods. These are methods that allow the introspection and modification of cells, such as “cell”, “cell=”, “cell?”, “cellNames”, “cells” and so on. It also includes “documentation” and “documentation=”. It includes the assignment method “=”. And finally it contains “mimic” that allow you to create new instances. This method is basically the only way of allocating new objects in Ioke, which means it is pretty important. If you need the functionality but without mimicking Base, you can either copy the method itself, or mimic BaseBehavior (we’ll get back to this in a minute.)

OK, so Base is the absolute base of everything in Ioke. But Base is not the equivalent of the Object found in most other languages – in most cases you won’t get the expected behavior if you mimic directly from Base. The object that is supposed to be used as the origin of new objects is called Origin. But before we go there, we need to talk about Ground.

Ioke actually overloads the term ground to mean two slightly different things. First, there is an object called Ground, and secondly, the ground of an evaluation is basically the default context. The default ground at the top level is the object Ground. Now, Origin mimics Ground. This means that if you add something to the top level, that will be in the inheritance chain of all objects. This is the closest you will get to a global scope in Ioke.

The Ground object mimics different things depending on which implementation you are running. If you’re on ikj, Ground will mimic both IokeGround and JavaGround, where JavaGround is the object where all Java integration machinery resides. On ikc, Ground currently only mimics IokeGround, but I expect to add CLRGround sooner or later. IokeGround is the place where all so called global names in the system is defined. This is where you find the cells for “Text”, “Symbol”, “Number”, “Range” and also “false”, “true” and “nil”. Yes, that is right, these names are not constants – they are just cells on IokeGround.

IokeGround mimics Base – so that is where the connection to the base of the hierarchy actually is made. But IokeGround also mimics and object called DefaultBehavior. As the name implies, this is where most of the Ioke behavior resides. DefaultBehavior in itself is basically a mixin, only providing these methods. You should not mimic DefaultBehavior in itself, if possible.

(Incidentally, that is the difference between an object that is supposed to be a mixin, and a regular object. In Ioke there is no real difference at the structure level – it is only about intent.)

DefaultBehavior doesn’t contain many methods in itself, but instead mixes in several more focused objects, such as “DefaultBehavior Aspects”, “DefaultBehavior Assignment”, “DefaultBehavior Boolean”, “DefaultBehavior Case”, “DefaultBehavior Conditions”, “DefaultBehavior Definitions”, “DefaultBehavior FlowControl”, “DefaultBehavior Internal”, “DefaultBehavior Literals” and “DefaultBehavior Reflection”.

If you want to make the intent of a mixin very clear, you mimic the Mixins object. This object include the bare necessary things to add new cells and introspect on them. “Mixins Comparing” and “Mixins Enumerable” are two examples of such mixins.

And that is basically the full story. Any other object you will find in the system is almost certainly derived from Origin, and the hierarchy under Origin is pretty shallow and flat, at least for now. I’ve considered making the intent of different collections a bit more specific, in the manner of Smalltalk – but this hasn’t happened yet.

Message chains and quoting in Ioke

One of the more advanced features in Ioke is the ability to work with first class messages. At the end of the day, you are manipulating the AST directly by doing this, which means that you can do pretty much anything you want. The manipulation of message chains is the main way of working with macros in Ioke, so understanding what you can do with them is pretty important.

The documentation surrounding these pieces is spread all over the place, so I thought I’d take a look at messages and the way you construct and modify them.


The first step in working with message chains is to actually understand the Message. Message is the core data structure in Ioke, and it has some native properties that define the full structure of the Ioke AST. There are four pieces of the structure that is central to messages, and a few more that is less interesting. So let us look at the core structure. It is actually extremely simple. These are the things that makes a Message:

  • Name – all messages have a name. From the perspective of Ioke, this is a symbol. It will never be nil, but it can be empty.
  • Arguments – a list of messages, zero or more.
  • Prev – a pointer to the previous message in the chain, or nil if there is no previous.
  • Next – a pointer to the next message in the chain, or nil if there is no next message.

A message can also wrap a value. In that case the message will always return that value, and no real evaluation will happen. This can be used to insert any kind of value into a message chain that will later be evaluated. This is called wrapping.

A message chain is just a collection of messages, linked through their Prev and Next pointers.

The arguments to a message are represented as a list of messages. This make sense if you think about it for a few seconds.

OK, now you know what the Ioke AST looks like. It isn’t harder than that. Now, if you actually want to start working with messages, there are several messages that Message can receive, that allow you to work with them. The simpler ones (that I won’t explain closer) is “name”, “name=”, “arguments”, “arguments=”, “next”, “next=”, “prev”, “prev=”.

There are a few more interesting ones that merit some explanation. First, “last”. This message will just return the last message in the message chain. It is the equivalent of following the next pointer until you come to the end.

It’s important to keep in mind that Message is a mutable structure, which means you need to be careful to not change things that will give you unexpected changes. For example, if someone sends in a message, you shouldn’t generally actually modify that without copying it. Now, if you only want to copy a message without copying recursively the next pointer, you can just mimic it. Otherwise you use the method “deepCopy” which will actually copy both the next pointer and the arguments recursively.

Now, if you want to add new arguments to a message, you can use “appendArgument”. This method is aliased as “<<“. It will also return the receiver, so you can add several arguments by linking calls to appendArgument/<<. If you want to add a message at the beginning of the argument list, you instead use >>.

One of the more annoying things is that once you set the next pointer, you generally need to make sure to set the previous pointer of the next value too, unless you are setting it to nil. The same thing is true when setting the prev pointer. So, in the cases when you want to link two messages, you shouldn’t set these specifically, but instead use the “->” method. This allow you to link two Ioke messages. For example “msg1 -> msg2” will actually set the next pointer on msg1 and the prev pointer on msg2. If you do “msg1 -> nil” it will set the next pointer to nil.

And that’s basically it. If you need to actually evaluate the messages, you can either use “sendTo” or “evaluateOn”. The main difference here is that sendTo will actually not evaluate the message chain. It will only evaluate the message that is the receiver of the call. The evaluateOn method will follow the message chain and evaluate it fully, based on the context arguments given to it.

Oh, one last thing. To create new messages from scratch, there are a few different ways. First of all, you can wrap a value like this: “Message wrap(42)”. That will return a new message that wraps the number 42.

You can create a message chain from a piece of text by doing ‘Message fromText(“one two three”)’. This will return a message chain with three messages, linked together.

Finally, you can create a new message chain by using the from-method. You use it like this: “Message from(one two(three) four)”. What is returned is the message chain that is the argument. If you think about it for a few seconds, you can probably guess how to implement this using an Ioke macro.


Now that we understand messages and message chains, let us take a look at how to create new chains in a flexible way.

First of all, all of the above methods are all very useful and nice, but they tend to be a bit verbose. Coming from a Lisp background I felt inclined to put the quoting characters to good use for this. So, first of all, the single quote (‘) does the same thing as “Message from”. The back quote (`) does the same thing as “Message wrap”. So, to wrap the number 42, you can just do `42. In this case you don’t need parenthesis, since the back quote is an operator. To create a new message chain, use the single quote: ‘(foo bar(x) baz).

We almost have everything we need, except that we need some convenient ways of actually putting things into these message chains without having to put them together by hand.

Say for example we have a variable “blah” that contains an unknown message. We want to create a message “one” that is followed by the message in the variable “blah”. And then finally we want to add two messages “bax” and “baz” after it. We could do it like this: x = ‘one. x -> blah. x last -> ‘(bax baz). All in all, that is not too bad, but we can do better. This is done using the splice-quote operator, which is just two single quotes after each other. Using that it would look like this: ”(one `blah bax baz). In this case, the back quote inside of the splice-quote call will actually be evaluated in the current context and then have the result be spliced into the message chain being created. Now, only use the back quote if you are sure you can modify it. If you want to copy blah before inserting it, use the single quote again, instead of the back quote: ”(one ‘blah bax baz)

All in all, this is really all you need, and you can take a look at the core libraries and see how they are used. A typical example is the comprehensions library, and also the destructuring macros. In general, creating these message chains on the fly is the most useful inside of syntax macros.

I am planning to add a new feature to Ioke, that allow you to do tree rewriting for manipulating chains in different ways. This will be a feature built on top of the primitives described here, and these features will continue to be the main way of working with message chains for a long time.

Hijacking Ioke syntax

One of the nicer things with Ioke is that the syntax is highly flexible. This means that features that are generally considered part of the parsing step is not so in Ioke. There are still limitations on what you can take over, of course.

Another reason you can do much with Ioke’s syntax is that all operators are just method calls. This means you can override them in subclasses, which means these syntax changes can be totally localized.

A third way you can change things is by changing things at a global level, but only temporarily. This is possible since any cell in Ioke can act as a dynamic cell (or special) – by using the “let” method. This means you can make some very interesting changes to the syntax.

Understanding these three techniques make it possible to very easily create internal DSLs in Ioke, that feel like they are external. A fourth way of achieving this can be to massage message chains after the fact, to transform them into a different structure. You can do this directly, by working with the first class message structures – or if you don’t have to extravagant needs, you can interject specific behavior into the operator tables.

This post will give a quick introduction to these techniques, but it can’t really cover them all in full.

Flexible and polymorphic syntax elements

The things that in Ioke look like syntax elements but are mostly just message sends allow you to change the behavior locally of some things. Some examples of things where this is possible is in the creation of literals (such as numbers, texts and regexps), regular cell assignment (with =), and the creation of literal lists and dicts.

OK, to make this concrete, let me show a few examples. To start with, take the literals. The way literals work is that they will actually be translated into message sends. So when the parser see a number, it will generate a message send to “internal:createNumber”, and insert that into the message chain. This means you can override and change this behavior, which is something I do with my parser combinators example. As an extremely small example, take this code:

  "foo" | "bar" | 42

This example creates a new parser that will parse either the literal string foo, the literal string bar, or the number 42. But how can we implement this? The method “|” is not even implemented for Texts in Ioke, and they definitely doesn’t return anything useful for the parser. We don’t want to override it to return the right thing either – it wouldn’t be a general solution – and what if someone wanted a parser that only matched one literal string? It’s clear that we need to hook into the handling of literals. (There is an alternative, we will talk about that in the final piece).

At this stage it might help to take a look at the canonical AST structure of the above code. It would look like this: internal:createText(“foo”) |(internal:createText(“bar”)) |(internal:createNumber(“42”)). With this structure, it should be more obvious how we can implement everything. The code for the above would look like this:

BaseParser = Origin mimic do(
  | = method(other,
    OrParser with(context: context, first: self, second: other)

TextParser = BaseParser mimic
NumberParser = BaseParser mimic

ParserContext = Origin mimic do(
  internal:createText   = method(raw,
    TextParser with(context: self, text:   super(raw)))
  internal:createNumber = method(raw,
    NumberParser with(context: self, number: super(raw)))

Parser = dmacro(
  context = ParserContext mimic
  code evaluateOn(context, context)

The interesting pieces are in ParserContext. Inside it we override internal:createText and internal:createNumber to return parsers for their corresponding type. Notice how we call out to “super” to get the actual literal result. We then evaluate the argument to the Parser-method in the context of a newly created parser context. The only thing missing in the above code is the OrParser, and the actual matching pieces.

The other ways of hijacking syntax generally depend on executing code in a specific context, like the above.

I mentioned that “=”, [] and {} are overridable. Say that you for example like the syntax of blocks in Smalltalk, and want to use that within an internal DSL. That is actually extremely easy:

Smalltalk = Origin mimic do(
  [] = cell(:fn)

Smalltalk do(
  x = ["hello world" println]
  x call
  x call

Here we just assign [] to be the same as the method “fn” within the Smalltalk object. The same thing can be done for other operators, if wanted.

Using let to override syntax

As mentioned above, you can use the let method to override syntax (or any method really) for a specific bounded time. Lets say we want to do the above operation (Smalltalk blocks) for the duration of some execution. We can do it like this:

let(DefaultBehavior Literals cell("[]"), cell(:fn),
  x = ["hello world" println]
  x call
  x call

This will override the cell specified in the first argument with the value in the second argument – and then restore it at the end of the let-method. This is really not recommended for something like the [] method – as it will cause all kinds of problems in the internal implementations of methods. But you can definitely do it.

Transforming message chains

There are basically two techniques here. The first one is simply to add or remove or update the operator table
so that you can add operators that weren’t there before, or change the way they behave. This is not restricted to things with weird characters in them – indeed, in Ioke anything that appears in the operator tables count as an operator. A specific example of this is “return”. It can act as a unary operator, meaning it is possible to give return an argument without having parenthesis surrounding that argument.

To find out more information you can take a look at the documentation for Message OperatorTable here:

The other way of transforming message chains is to actually take them apart and put them together again. I am planning a blog post dedicated to how to work with this, but I’ll take a quick peek at how to do it now. Lets take the earlier Parser example and see an alternative way of creating the text and number parsers without actually overriding the literals creation.

reformatCodeForParsing = method(code,
  ourCode = 'nil
  head = ourCode
  code each(msg,
    case(msg name,
      :internal:createText, ourCode -> ''createTextParser('msg),
      :internal:createNumber, ourCode -> ''createNumberParser('msg),
      :"|", ourCode -> ''withOrParser('(reformatCodeForParsing(msg arguments[0]))),
      else, ourCode -> msg mimic
    ourCode = ourCode last

Parser = dmacro(
  reformatCodeForParsing(code) evaluateOn(Ground, Ground)

This code is actually a bit annoying, but what it does is quite useful. What it does is that it will take the code above (“foo” | “bar” | 42) and restructure that into (createTextParser(“foo”) withOrParser(createTextParser(“bar”)) withOrParser(createNumberParser(42))).

The only thing that is a bit inscrutable is the way new message chains are put together using quoting of different kinds. I’m going to go into this with more depth in the next blog post. I am also working on a tree rewriting approach for making these kind of transformations much more idiomatic and readable.

So, this post have been a small introduction to several things you can do with Ioke to tweak its syntax. There is much more behind all these features, of course, and they all come from the fact that Ioke tries to unify and simplify all concepts as much as possible.

The Ioke reflector

Ioke is a very object oriented language. The amount of concepts in it is also quite small. I’ve tried to factor the implementation into smaller pieces, which are then composed into the full object hierarchy. One of the side effects of this is that it is possible to make objects that can’t be handled generically, since they don’t have all those things you expect objects to have. There is no requirement on Ioke objects to actually have a core set of methods. Things can be totally blank. Of course, a completely blank object is not very useful in itself…

So what kind of things become problematic then? Well, lets first talk about blank slates. In Ioke it’s pretty simple to create one – you just create an object, and then call the method “removeAllMimics!”. What you have after that point is something that is totally empty (unless if you added cells to the object itself before hand).

Now say that you want to add back a mimic to that object. Or say you want to add a new cell. As it happens, “=” is just a method on the Base kind. To add a new mimic, you generally use either “mimic!” or “prependMimic!”. These are both methods on ReflectionBehavior. So none of these methods are available.

Another example is mixins. In Ioke, a Mixin is nothing other than a regular object, except that it doesn’t have Base or DefaultBehavior in its mimic chain. Instead, the root of all mixins is the kind Mixin. Now, Mixin actually defines a copy of “=” and a few other things from Base. But it doesn’t allow you to add new mimics to mixins for example. This is a bit annoying – but since you have access to “=” you can actually fix it, by coping the “mimic!” method from ReflectionBehavior.

There are other circumstances where you want to be able to handle any object whatsoever in a uniform manner, introspect on a few things and so on. That wasn’t possible.

I’ve been considering these problems for a while, and finally decided that the pragmatic way of solving it is to add some methods that can be used to take a part and modify objects from the outside. I call the namespace that gives this functionality Reflector. Now, remember that you shouldn’t use the Reflector unless you’re certain that your objects need to be handled in that specific way. It’s more verbose, and not as object oriented as the methods that exist on regular objects. But it does allow you to do certain things on all objects in the system.

The rules are simple – all methods on Reflector are based on other methods in Base or ReflectionBehavior. They have the same name, except that they all start with “other:”. They all take an initial argument that is the object to work on. So, say we have an object “bs” that is a blank slate. We want to add a cell to it. We can do that simply like this:

Reflector other:cell(bs, :foo) = 42

Here we set the cell “foo” on the blank slated object to the value 42.

The problem of adding a new mimic to a mixin is easily solved too. Say we have an object ExtraEnum that we want to mix in to Enumerable. We can do it like this:

Reflector other:mimic!(Mixins Enumerable, ExtraEnum)

And so on. You can see all the methods available on Reflector in the doks.

As mentioned, the Reflector is a pretty specialized tool, but it’s totally indispensable when you need it. I will pretty soon sit down and rewrite DokGen to use it, since DokGen is a typical example of something that really need to be able to handle all objects in a generic way.

Ioke talk at the Chicago ACM

On June 10th, I will give a talk about Ioke at the Chicago ACM. This is very exciting, and I hope to see many languages people there. It’s bound to be an interesting presentation, I think.

The talk is going to be held at Roosevelt University. You can find more information here:

RailsWayCon coming up

It is less than a month to RailsWayCon in Berlin, so I thought I’d mention it here. This look like it will be a very nice conference. The dates are May 25 to May 27, in Berlin, Germany.

I will do two presentations and one keynote there. The presentations will be “JRuby Internals” and “Ioke for Ruby developers”. The keynote is called “Present and future of programming languages” and will feature my typical kind of ranting about programming languages.

Anyway. Hope to see you in Berlin! You can find more information here: