ThoughtWorks Seminar and Tutorial in Stockholm

September 29th, ThoughtWorks will hold a day of seminars and a tutorial in Stockholm, Sweden. The seminars are free. I will talk about alternative languages, Martin Fowler will talk about software design in the 21st century, and another ThoughtWorks speaker will talk about DSLs for functional testing.

The tutorial is a half day tutorial given by Martin Fowler and me. We will talk about domain specific languages.

If this sounds interesting, go in and find more information and register here. Hurry, though – places are limited!

New projects

OK, I’ve hinted and talked about in several contexts that I have some projects going on that haven’t been announced.  So today I’m going to just mention two of them (so that they will be released at some point). (And no, ioke won’t be on this list).


This one I have real hopes for. It’s already functioning to a degree. So what does it do? Well, I call it example-driven DSLs. Instead of writing a parser/regexps for handling external DSLs, Xample will take some examples and then derive code to do something based on those examples. It’s one of those things that will not do everything, but it might solve 80% of all the simple DSLs. Those cases where the overhead of creating the DSL framework would not be worth it. Xample will help in those cases in making it really easy to create quite sophisticated DSLs. It’s in Ruby, and I have plans that include a generic work bench for handling these DSLs. Since you have examples of how they should look, you can use the information in all kinds of cool ways.

I have just made the Xample repository public on github.


This is probably one of the worst cases of yak shaving I’ve ever started on. But it’s a good and worthwhile project. And now that I’ve mentioned it to Terence I guess there’s no way of getting away from it… =)

So, simple, Antlr-ELisp is a backend for Antlr, that allows you to create parsers for Emacs Lisp. This should make it quite easy to get Emacs modes written for a language, without having to resort to all the awful hacks Emacs generally does to handle different languages. This one is really in the infant stage right now, but it looks like it shouldn’t be too hard. Of course I’m not sure what performance will be like, but I’m trying to use as much macros as possible so the low level operations can still be efficient without looking ugly.

This project is also on github right now.

So, now I’m stuck – talking about these things on my blog means I will actually have to get both of them to a release, really soon now!

Fractal Programming

This is a continuation of my previous posts describing layers of code written in different programming languages. I have thought about the things involved for a while, and had several discussions with people about it. There were some parts that I didn’t describe as well as I thought in my posts, and I will try to do better in this one.

The core of these ideas are based on polyglot programming, the thinking that you should use several different languages in a project, based on which languages are better suited for different parts of it. Another term for this concept is Language-oriented programming. So how do you organize a polyglot system? The most natural way for me is to divide it into layers. In most cases you will find that different categories of languages will be better suited to different layers of the application.

In my original post I identified three layers that can be used to organize polyglot systems. These layers are the stable layer, the dynamic layer, and the domain layer. There are several reasons for organizing them this way, and I’ll take a harder look at each of the layers further down. But first let me note that these layers are usually depicted in the form of a pyramid, with the stable layer being that base. That is definitely not how I think about it. In fact, I see it as an inverted pyramid, where the stable layer is the tip of the pyramid, providing the base. The Dynamic layer is the middle part. The domain layer should be the largest part and will very often include more than one dynamic language. So in my mind I represent the different domain languages as smaller pyramids standing upside down, covering the base area. Now, the dynamic layer can also be divided into smaller parts like this, based on language or functionality. This is a bounded fractal representation, which is the reason for the title of this blog post.

This diagram shows how I think about it:Of course, the smaller pyramids can be all the same language and system, or several different ones. It all depends on the application or system you are building. So you can for example use a combination of Ruby, Java and external or internal DSLs:Or you could use Clojure, Scala and JavaScript:
Or any other combination you can imagine. As long as the combination is what’s best suited for the problem.

Let’s take a look at the definitions of the different layers. There have been some discussion about the names I’ve chosen for them, so let me describe a little more what the responsibility of each part is, and why it’s in that part of the system.

The Domain Layer
This layer is the simplest. This is where all the actual domain rules are defined. In general that means one or more domain specific languages. It doesn’t really matter if they are internal or external. This model see them as the same layer. This part of the system is what needs to be malleable enough that it should be possible to change rules in production, allow domain experts to do things with it, or just plain a very complicated configuration. The languages used in this layer are mostly external DSLs, but can also include extremely DSL-friendly languages like Ruby, Python or Groovy.

The Dynamic Layer
Neal Ford argues that this layer isn’t so uch about dynamic, as it is about essence. That was never my intention. The problem is that even if you take a language like Scala, which is usually classified as an essential language, Scala requires compilation. To me, compilation is ceremony, which means that it’s one extra thing you don’t want to care about when writing most of your application code. That’s why this layer needs to be dynamic. This is where languages like Ruby, Groovy, Python, JavaScript, Clojure and others live.

The Stable Layer
I view the stable layer as the core set of axioms, the hard kernel or the thin foundation that you can build the rest of your system in. There is definitely advantages to having this layer be written in an expressive language, but performance and static type checking is most interesting here. There is always a tradeof in giving up static typing, and the point of having this layer is to make that tradeof smaller. The dynamic layer runs on top of the stable layer, utilizing resources and services provided.

Another important feature of this layer is that this is where all interfaces are defined. By interfaces I mean external API’s. They need to be hard for other clients to be able to trust them. But the implementations for them lives in the dynamic layer, not in the stable. By doing it this way you can take advantage of static type information for your API’s while still retaining full flexbility in implementation of them. Languages in the stable layer can be Java, Scala or F#. It should be fairly small compared to the rest of the application, and just provide the base necessary services needed for everything to function.

The most common objection I hear from people about this strategy is the same as for the general polyglot programming idea: if we have a proliferation of languages in a system, it will be harder to find skilled programmers who can work with it.

This objection is true to a degree, but there are several ways around it. First, I have to say that I don’t believe this is such a big problem as many others think. Programmers nowadays depend on their tool chains quite heavily, all of them including many advanced features that takes lots of time to learn. But most programmers doesn’t even view their languages as tools. In my mind, the programming language is the most important tool. And once we start using better languages for systems, many of the things we need other tools for will disappear or become less of a problem.

I tend to believe that programming languages are quite easy to learn as soon as you understand the fundamental building blocks of programming languages. And if you don’t have a fair understanding of these building blocks, I would say that you probably aren’t using your current language as well as you should either. I see this as part of being responsible programmers.

I also believe quite strongly that if we used better languages for our code, many code bases would be smaller, easier to understand, easier to maintain and cost less – which means you could afford to find a more skilled programmer to do the work for you. This would mean that both parties win – the programmer gets more interesting work and better code, while the client gets more worth for his money in less time.

Polyglot, not panglot or omniglot

It’s interesting. One of the common reactions I’ve heard to my recent writings about polyglot programming is something I really don’t understand. Actually, I’ve heard the same objection to other persons writing about polyglot.

The objection is that just because I propose polyglot programming – using several different programming languages for different purposes in the same system – I can use whichever language
and as such should not try to find better languages or say that certain languages are bad.

But that’s really a confounding of the issue. Just because I can use any language in the dynamic layer doesn’t mean I should. In fact, just because polyglot programming as a strategy means you will use more than one language, it is even more important to be careful and use the best languages available for the task. Which is why I’m working to improve JRuby, why I’m evaluating Scala as a replacement for Java, why I’m working on a language based on Io. It’s all about using the best languages. I may be a polyglot, but I’m definitely not a panglot or omniglot.

Concurrent DSLs

With all the current talk of DSLs and concurrency, what I find lacking is discussions about how to combine the two. Of course, domain specific languages are incredibly important – they create a logical separation between the implementors of the business logic, and the people implementing the actual implementation of the DSL. Does it seem like a strange idea to want many DSLs to be able to run parallel to each other? I would imagine that in most cases a DSL that describes business rules and business logic is sequential in the particulars, but that there are also larger concurrency possibilities. This should be totally invisible for the business rule implementor in most cases – the runtime system should be able to run everything as efficient as possible.

A natural way of looking at DSLs is as declarative languages. In many cases that’s the way you write them (just look at the ActiveRecord API. it looks very declarative – it just happens to be implemented using imperative primitives). Now, if the language is truly declarative it should be side effect free. In the end, that isn’t a real goal, but if it would be possible to clearly understand which parts of the rules are using side effects, the rest of the implementation should be able to run totally concurrently.

These kinds of things should be possible to implement in any language with sane multi threading/multi processing. That said, I wouldn’t want the task of doing it with Java’s concurrency primitives if I can help it. So what kind of tools would be helpful? Possibly Erlang of course, since it’s already functional and that makes the identification of side effects much easier. Another possible alternative seems to be Gambit Scheme and Termite.

Anyone else thinking about these issues? Is there any research going on that would shed some light on it? And further, what’s the next step? Why haven’t this question already been discussed? It seems to be well time for it now.