
This blog is something I specifically set up because I have decided to blog about some of the issues concerning the last few weeks events surrounding Wikileaks. I came to the conclusion that this would be far enough from my regular technical blog content, and thus I probably shouldn’t force it on all my readers – especially since my opinions on this might come of as strong to some of you. So this way you don’t have to unsubscribe to my regular blog.

What will I cover? I will start out with some of the issues surrounding Wikileaks, but I might well diverge into other areas of Internet freedom, privacy, democracy and other things. I make no promises on exactly what this blog will contain.

I feel strongly that the behavior of technology companies such as Amazon, PayPal and EveryDNS have acted in a disgraceful way. I also feel that the way the US government has applied pressure to anyone helping out Wikileaks without having any legal ground for doing so is something we as technologists really need to speak up about. We are risking a future where the Internet will be as closed in the US as it is in China. We are risking a future where innovation will be stifled by regulations and fear of government involvement. I don’t want to live in a future like that, and it is our responsibility to speak up when democracy is threatened.

One Comment, Comment or Ping

  1. Thanks for starting this blog.

    December 15th, 2010

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